neděle 30. května 2010 is a online version of SuperMemo program which is legendary desktop program developed by Piotr Woźniak.

The application itself makes good impression with professional design. I take a look on usage.

Lesson overview is looks good on first view. Each lesson has nice description, rating, nice picture and  icon which tells me, if a lesson is free or not. After first look I try to find what lesson are offered. And here comes the problem. Filter feature is not intuitive. I see recommended lessons, Top 10  and user lessons. After a while I spot a menu with 'Course categories'. This displays a page with tree menu - languages, other and user courses. No sorting, search is problematic (search for history finds only lesson not from users). To find what this application offers that is a little difficult.
I expect a lesson filter which gives me impression if same lesson is present or not, if it's free, which language it uses, ...

After while I found a interesting lesson which I subscribed. I searched a introduction to the application but I found none. No suggestion how to use it, how the learning works.
Learn part is split into three parts → Learn plan, Course content and flashcard display.

Learning itself is good designed. You can see big experience in UI. Flashcard has usual control → Show answer, rate your knowledge options and Next flashcard button. On Next button is displayed information when flashcard will be repeated.

Learn plan contains flashcards list planed for todays learning. It consist from three parts as Repetition, New material and Drill. The detailed learn schedule is also available (under Welcome → Schedule of repetitions).

Information about your current progress is also available in lesson statistics.

And finally lesson configuration:

SuperMemo is a nice application. You can see 10 years of development here. It offers settings for each lesson, where you can adjust speed of learning progress for your skills. You can see your lesson statistic and flashcard schedules. The drill part is also important. After proceeding scheduled flashcards you can repeat todays portion and improve your knowledge.
What I don't like is that the flashcard stays in order while learning or drill. There is no flashcard shuffle. So you will learn the flashcard  order which is not wanted. You don't want to remember the information from a flashcard only in that case that another flashcard precede.

1 komentář:

  1. Sorry, I posted this comment in the wrong post.

    I have used Supermemo (Windows version) for more than four years, and I love it. There are a number of weird bugs, but once you know how to avoid them and deal with them, it is not a big deal. I haven't tried anything other than Supermemo (Anki, Mnemosyne, etc.), so my experience with a diverse amount of flashcard programs is somewhat limited.
